
Do You Have Time For a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies for your children can crop up at any time and while some of them may not be able to be prevented, some can. For example, dental decay that damages the root, causing a need for a root canal, can be prevented with routine cleanings, regular brushing and flossing and ensuring that your child consumes healthy food. While dental emergencies are stressful, we can help decrease that stress. Dental emergencies can be anything from a cracked or broken tooth, dental pain or toothache. For a toothache we recommend rinsing the area with warm water, if there is food or another item stuck between the teeth, remove it immediately to see if that reduces or decreases the pain. If there is swelling you can apply a cold compress. If the toothache does not subside, it is recommended that you contact Dr. Cameron Fuller and his team in order to schedule an appointment right away. Sometimes trauma can cause a tooth to be pushed up through the jawbone. If this happens ...

We Love Helping New Patients

It can be so difficult and stressful switching dentists, but no matter what reason has brought you to us today, we will help to ensure your child or children get the best dental care possible. We love nothing more than helping our new patients feel comfortable at our office. We will begin by introducing ourselves and then get your little one scheduled for their dental treatment. From when you first step into our office to checking-out we will make sure you have the answers you need to feel comfortable about what we are doing with your little one. We never want new patients or any patient to feel uncomfortable or nervous about the treatment we provide for them. It is so critical that you love your dentist. There are several different dental procedures that may have brought you to our door, but we will begin every appointment with an exam to ensure we are not missing anything and to make sure that we have the facts before getting started.   Your chil...

How To Help Your Child After Dental Surgery

Dental surgery can be extremely stressful not only for you but for you child. Helping support them can be difficult depending on the type of procedure and how long the procedure takes. Everything can be stressful from deciding when or if to give them pain medication all the way down to what types of food you should give them. After surgery they may be wiped out, and finding the right support to help keep them comfortable and still give them what they need may be stressful. Here are some things to know about how to help your child after they have experienced a dental surgery. Find healthy but soft foods that they can enjoy. This may include yogurt, or a popsicle. A little flavored water is good in order to keep them hydrated while avoiding the sugar. They may not have consumed anything since the night before, depending on the procedure, so ensuring they have something that will give them energy is critical without giving them something too heavy. Always...

Improve Bedtime For Your Little One

It can be a nightmare to get your children home, homework done, dinner on the table, and get them in bed without forgetting to have them brush and floss. By the time, you hit the door it may already be half way through dinner or well into the bedtime hour for your children. No matter what time, here are 5 tips to making bedtime more fun and improving brushing and flossing routines for your little ones. 1.      Be consistent. This can be difficult when you don’t know if you’re coming or going, but the more consistent and time oriented you are, the more of a routine it will become to your children. 2.      Give your children choices when you can. Brushing and flossing is not an option, but by allowing them to choose what type of toothbrush they want to have, or what type of toothpaste they like, you can improve them brushing their teeth. 3.      Make brushing a family affair. Include opportunitie...

Cavities Are Almost Completely Preventable

It may seem impossible to keep up on your child’s dental care with everything else that is going on, but dental decay is one of the most common problems for children today. A child who has a cavity is more likely to miss school because of pain or because they need a more extensive procedure done. Children with cavities that are left untreated are also more likely to be unhappy or in pain causing them to become easily frustrated and at higher risk of behavior problems.   Here are 5 tips to stopping cavities and keeping your child’s smile as healthy as possible. 1.      Visit the dentist regularly. There are some cavities that cannot be seen with the naked eye. By having your children regularly visit the dentist and get a cleaning as well as x-rays, the dentist is able to see any problems that are lurking between teeth or under the gum line. 2.      Have them chew sugar-free gum after consuming food, especially...

3 Tips To Storing Your Child’s Tooth Brush To Keep Their Smile Healthy

Did you know how your child’s toothbrush is stored can make a difference on the overall health of their smile. Bacteria on their toothbrush means that the bacteria will be transferred to their teeth when they are brushing. To minimize the risk of bacteria on your child’s toothbrush take these 3 steps. 1.      Store the toothbrush in a dry location, this will minimize bacteria that grows after using the toothbrush. 2.      Keep the toothbrush in an open location. A sealed or closed container creates a place where microorganisms can grow, creating a safety concern for your child’s toothbrush. 3.      Rinse their toothbrush immediately after they brush. Rinsing the toothbrush will ensure there is no food particles or other materials left on the bristles of the toothbrush. The health of your children’s smile is critical. Taking these three steps to keep your child’s toothbrush clean and free ...

Prevent Tooth Decay In Your Toddler

Your toddler’s baby teeth are setting the stage for what is to come. By taking care of their smile now, you will help them keep their smile healthy for a lifetime. Some people think that baby teeth are no big deal because they are going to fall out anyway. However, not taking care of their baby teeth can create decay and other problems when their adult teeth come in. Here are 4 ways to prevent tooth decay in toddlers: 1.      Don’t have them drink juice at night, and give them a minimal amount during the day. Once they do consume a small amount of juice have them drink a cup of water or brush their teeth to remove the sugar that wants to stay on the surface of their teeth. 2.      Avoid sugary snacks. Fruits and vegetables are always a better choice because not only are they essential in keeping their smile healthy, the water in vegetables and fruits can keep sugar from building up or staying on the surface of their teeth in between brush...