My Kid Has Yellowish Stains From Swimming

It’s finally warming up outside and swimming season is right around the corner. Or your kids may already be diving into the deep end of the pool and enjoying the warmer weather. Usually the yellow brown stains from swimming do not occur unless your child is swimming up to six hours a day in the pool, but the acidic level of pools differ, which leaves their teeth exposed.

The chemicals in the water causes there to be a higher level of PH in the water which creates the breakdown of salivary proteins which can then cause the hard brown stains on the teeth. Pediatric dentist Dr. Cameron Fuller recommends that if your children are going to be swimming more than usual or you notice the stains beginning, call today and schedule a dental cleaning. 

There is, unfortunately, no way to protect against this type of damage other than to avoid the pool. But if that isn’t an option, getting cleanings more often then 2x a year can help keep your child’s smile white and healthy.

For more information on protecting your child’s smile, contact Dr. Fuller & his team today.


  1. Very informative information, thanks for the post. Great share.


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