4 Reasons You Should Have Your Toddler Avoid Pickles

While your baby is now actively growing into a toddler and has moved from being a baby who coos to now being a walker who tells you what they want, it can be overwhelming to decide what they should and shouldn’t eat. So, we caught up to Dr. Cameron Fuller & asked him about toddlers and the impact of pickles on their teeth. While pickles do not have a direct negative impact on their teeth, it can impact them.

Did you know that pickles can be high in sugar? While many people may think that pickles are an healthy choice, that has extra water, sugar is hidden in the pickles and some have higher content then others. If you are going to have your little one reach for the pickles, make sure to check the label first. The more sugar that a toddler consumes the more likely they are to have problems with their smile.

Pickles can also be high in Sodium. The higher the sodium content the more likely they are to suffer from hypertension which can then impact their body overall.  So, for now Dr. Fuller recommends you stick to cucumbers or other vegetables that are low in sodium and low in sugar.

For more information on healthy foods for your child, contact Dr. Fuller and his team today.


  1. I was unaware of some of the harmful effects pickles can have on a young child's teeth. Thanks for the post, great information.


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