Is Your Child’s Bite Off?
The teeth are carefully designed to allow your child to safely consume food without causing damage to their teeth and to avoid problems with their jaw. By having teeth or jaw alignment problems can create damaging long-term effects to your child’s smile. Bite alignment problems can be caused by a variety of things, including, cavities that are incorrect, injury, thumb sucking, grinding of teeth and trauma.
If you notice any problems with your child’s bite, or they have cracked or broken teeth it may be time to have their bite looked at by Dr. Cameron Fuller and his team. Your child’s bite can be evaluated as early as age 6 or 7.
You may notice that their bite is off by their upper or lower teeth sticking out further than their other teeth. On the other hand, they may have unbalanced facial features when their facial muscles are relaxed. However, they may also have crowding of teeth or wide spaces between their teeth. Your child may not need major dental work done right away, but leaving the problem to continue can put them at risk for damage to their teeth that can cause more expensive problems along the road.
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