Are Lip And Tongue Tie Real?
It seems every time you turn around there is one more procedure, disease, or syndrome that your child is getting diagnosed with. It may seem that lip and tongue tie is just another one of these things, however, Dr. Cameron Fuller and his team assure new parents that this is a problem that children face today and if not treated the results can impact a child for a lifetime. New moms may have a difficult time breastfeeding anyway. They may have attended new mom’s groups where several of the moms started breastfeeding, but have not been able to continue. Some may have even thought, it’s time to give up. There may be more going on though then just normal breastfeeding problems. Lip and tongue tie can negatively impact how your baby latches onto the nipple. They may latch on to the side because their tongue is not able to move the way it needs to. It can be difficult to diagnose a lip or tongue tie, so taking your baby to someone who cares for infants with tongue and lip ties on...