Is 1 Time A Year Often Enough?

You may be wondering if 1 time a year is often enough to replace your child’s toothbrush, or if you should do it every 6 months when you get the free one from their dental visit. Neither is correct and may not be often enough. The bristles of the toothbrush have an important job. As your child brushes and moves the toothbrush across the surface of the teeth, the bristles eventually begin to break down. Once this happens, your toothbrush is no longer as effective as it once was. Dr. Cameron and his team unanimously agree, 1 time a year is not enough!

You may also need to change out your child’s toothbrush if they have been sick or if their toothbrush has touched or been in close contact with another toothbrush of someone in the house that has been sick. Virus’s hold on in the bristles of the toothbrush and if they are not changed out it can cause a reinfection.

If you are not sure if your child’s toothbrush needs to be changed out, evaluating the bristles can help. Children tend to press harder when they are brushing their teeth which causes the bristles to take on a smashed appearance. If the bristles are not straight or if they appear frayed, it is time to throw that one out and get a new one.

For more information on toothbrushes and dental care for your kids, contact Dr. Fuller and his team.


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