Should My Children Oil Pull?

Oil pulling is the latest dental information to hit the internet wave. People are claiming that they healed periodontal disease, got rid of cavities and generally improved the health of their teeth. But is oil pulling right for children? Dr. Cameron Fuller recommends not using this technique on children.

If you are concerned about the health of your child’s teeth, it is important to stick to research based dental practices. Research and dental studies show that having your children visit the dentist regularly will increase the opportunity for a healthy smile. By visiting the dentist, they are able to have their teeth clean and plaque removed from the surface of their teeth. They also have the opportunity to have cavities or other problems taken care of.
Brushing and flossing can remove food on and between the teeth. Oil pulling is not necessary for children if you are already having them brush and floss because they are already completing an activity that removes the food from between the teeth.

Have your children drink water between meals. Children who drink water after eating and between brushing and flossing sessions are able to remove any remaining food from the surface of their teeth.

For more information on how to keep your children’s smile healthy, contact Pediatric Dentist Dr. Fuller.


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