6 Dental Tips For Keeping Your Child’s Smile Healthy

It is the summer time. Time for travel, fun trips and opportunities to see the world. It is also an opportunity for plaque and decay to run rampant through your child’s smile. Planning ahead is the key to keeping their smile healthy during travel. Here are 6 tips that can help. Dr. Fuller recommends planning ahead when traveling and to keep your children on a regular dental plan during trips.

1.     Always pack a travel toothbrush in order to make sure your children continue to brush their teeth on a regular and routine manner.
2.     Don’t forget to have your children floss.  Flossing is the only way to remove food from between the teeth.
3.     Sugar free gum is a great way to remove food from the surface of their teeth in between brushing.
4.     Don’t forget the water. Water helps remove food from the teeth and gums in between brushing.
5.     Reach for the cucumbers and strawberries because they will help remove food from the teeth and rinse any leftover food from the surface of the teeth.
6.     Avoid the chips and cookies.  Foods with higher carbohydrates and higher concentration of sugar can cause cavities and decay.
For more information on traveling with your children and keeping their smile healthy, talk to pediatric dentist Dr. Cameron Fuller and his team today.


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