The Worst Halloween Candy For Kids

It is that time of year again when the kids get excited, candy over flows and the negative impact on teeth begins. There are good and bad candy choices for children. Here are the top five worst candies for children’s teeth. While Dr. Cameron Fuller and his team advocate for alternative candy choices, if they are going to eat candy here are some that your children and you should attempt avoid.

Chewy treats like starbursts and gummy bears are the worst for children’s teeth because they stick in the teeth, creating a problem for children to remove the food from between the teeth. The longer candy stays on the teeth the more time it has to begin to eat at the enamel of the teeth. Chewy treats are a large source of cavities, especially when the candy gets stuck between the teeth, making it more difficult for it to be removed.

Sour candies break down the tooth enamel allowing cavities to attack the teeth. If your child is going to consume sour candies it would be best if they brush their teeth shortly after. This will help remove any debris from their teeth. Drinking water and rinsing the sugar from their teeth can also help if they are not able to brush their teeth right away.

“High sugar candy and treats, such as cake and cupcakes also create problems for the enamel and increase your child’s risk of cavities,” says Dr. Fuller.

For more information contact Dr. Fuller and his team.


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