Don’t Forget To Set The Routine
Parents openly admit, on a survey completed by Zoopa,
that three out of four children do not brush their teeth regularly. It can be
difficult, as life gets busy again, to keep children brushing and flossing two
times a day. Kids are back in sports, up early, and at activities late. Here
are four tips and tricks from Redlands pediatric dentist, Dr. Fuller, that can
help you establish a fun routine to keep your kids wanting to brush and
music while they are brushing and flossing. Music can help release positive
endorphins that get children excited. You can also purchase the musical
toothbrushes that play songs until their two minutes of brushing time is
Find a
toothpaste flavor your children love. It doesn’t do any good to ask your
children to brush if you purchase a toothpaste flavor they don’t love. The
toothpaste should have a small amount of fluoride in it, in order to help
strengthen the tooth enamel.
Dr.Fuller recommends, “You set up the routine.” If you have them brush their teeth
as soon as they wake up and right before they go to bed, it is easier to get
them in the routine and have it become a habit. And remember, it takes
twenty-one days to create a habit. Take
time to hang out with your child when they are brushing and flossing. Sharing
the time to be in the bathroom with them lets them know just how important this
Decay can cause damage for a lifetime, stop damage in its
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