4 Tips To Picking The Right Toothpaste

The crying, chewing on things, and drooling has begun, and now your daughter’s first tooth has erupted. This is an exciting time, but is also an incredibly important time for their oral health.  Once their first tooth erupts you will want to contact Dr. Cameron Fuller, your Redlands Pediatric Dentist, and his team to schedule her first dental  appointment, but you’ll also want to make sure you have the appropriate toothpaste. Picking out toothpaste can be frustrating because there are a variety of options. Here are four tips to help you.

1.     Pick a toothpaste that is fluoride free. While some amounts of fluoride are great for your child’s smile, you do not want to have them consume too much. At this young age they are not able to spit out the toothpaste, so you’ll want toothpaste that is safe for them to swallow.
2.     Dr. Cameron Fuller says, “Find toothpaste that is specifically designed for a toddler.” You want what is called training toothpaste that helps support the healthy development of their teeth.
3.     Pick a flavor they like. You want to ensure a positive experience with brushing from the beginning. If you do not have a flavor they enjoy it can create a larger problem and your child may refuse to brush their teeth.
4.     Set a scheduled time to brush each morning and night. While things happen, we understand the more routine brushing and flossing is, the more likely children are to begin to develop a regular and healthy habit.

Call Dr. Fuller & his team today for more information.


  1. Cameron, my little girl hates it when I try to brush her teeth. Maybe she doesn't like the toothpaste I have been using for her. The tip about finding toothpaste that is specially for little kids seems like a good idea. I will have to ask my dentist if there is a brand they would recommend. http://www.northridgedental.ca/en/


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