Laser Treatments For Your Child
Modern technology is a fast, ever-changing occurrence in our
world. We’re used to iPads, phones that talk to us, and now there are belts,
which will remind us to move. Thankfully other types of technology are also
available now to help our children in the dental chair. Pediatric dentist, Dr.Cameron Fuller is able to provide laser treatments for children who have tongue-tie
or a maxillary frenum. However, they are also able to use it for other
treatments as well.
Maxillary frenum’s can leave your child with a gap between their
teeth that impacts how they talk. While surgery for your young child may seem
scary, using a laser makes it less painful.
The type of laser that pediatric dentist Dr. Cameron Fuller uses, is
considered a hard laser. The laser goes below the gums and cauterizes the skin.
A secondary benefit to using laser treatment for your child’s
frenum is that it requires less down time. Maxillary frenums can be painful for
your child. The thicker the piece of skin is, according to Dr. Fuller, “the
more difficult it is for them to eat and talk. Laser surgery provides an
alternative, which allows your child to get back to what they love to do. Individuals
who have received laser treatment for procedures report that there is less
pain. The pinch of a needle to numb the area is by far more painful then the
laser used.
Contact Dr. Cameron Fuller for more information on which laser
treatments he provides today.
I actually hadn't thought about laser dental treatments being performed for children before. I can see how something like that would be less painful for them. Having less down time after the treatment would also be a huge plus in my books. I doubt my children will need any of these treatments, but if they did, I'd definitely consider going with laser treatment.