3 Common Dental Problems In Kids

Keeping children in school every day can be a struggle with illnesses, dental problems and sports injuries. Being aware of these 4 common dental problems can help to keep your child in school and decrease overall dental problems.

1.     Thumb Sucking. While this habit may start at a very young age it can be a very difficult habit to break. Once your child's teeth erupt, it will be important to help them break this habit. If it goes on too long, it can impact their overall speech. Encourage positive praise for helping your child break this difficult habit.
2.     Lip Sucking. Children who lip suck, suck in their lip between their upper teeth. This can create pressure against their permanent teeth causing speech and language problems, overbite and eating problems. When you notice your children doing this, encourage them to stop by providing them with a different activity to engage in and positive reinforcement.
3.     Baby bottle tooth decay. Babies who fall asleep with milk or juice in their bottle can be impacted by baby bottle tooth decay. Avoid putting your baby to sleep with a bottle and using a baby cloth you can wipe off their gums after drinking milk.

For more information on how to avoid common dental problems in your children, contact Dr. Fuller and his team today.


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