Leave The Soda Behind

It is no surprise to parents that soda has one of the worst reputations today. Wellness centers, commercials and other informational websites warn against the dangers of soda. But it’s not just bad for your child’s body, it can damage their teeth as well. Dr. Fuller recommends, “This summer, while they are at the pool, have your children reach for water instead of the soda.”

In just one 12 oz. can of soda, there are 39 grams of sugar. This sugar once consumed, then binds to your children’s teeth and sits. The sugar combines with the bacteria in their mouth and creates acid which then can cause tooth decay and cavities. Our teeth are designed to last a lifetime, but it requires work and healthy decisions.

Instead of having soda drinks around, or having soda as an option, have a water that is infused with fruits and vegetables to naturally flavor the water on those hot summer days. This way, they are getting the health benefit of enough water combined with fruits. While it may take a little while for them to appreciate the healthy switch, they will thank you one day when they have all of their teeth.

For more information on healthy smiles, contact pediatric dentist Dr. Cameron Fuller and his team today.


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