
Showing posts from July, 2016

8 Ways To Help Keep Your Child’s Teeth Whiter

A white, healthy smile may seem like a mile away when it comes to your child’s teeth and a mountain you can’t climb. Here are 8 ways that Dr. Fuller recommends, can help to keep your child’s teeth healthy and help them to achieve a whiter smile.” 1.      Have them brush regularly. Brushing regularly removes any food from the surface of the teeth and keeps decay from seeping in and causing problems for their smile. 2.      Flossing 1x a day keeps their gums in tip-top-shape. There is no other single activity that can keep your child’s gums healthy. 3.      Visit the dentist at least 2x a year. Any problems that may be brewing below the surface can be taken care of quickly when they are visiting the dentist regularly. 4.      Visit the dentist and get cavities and other problems fixed. Cavities can grow quickly and become a bigger problem if they are left untreated. 5. ...

4 Dental Emergencies Your Child May Face

Dental emergencies can happen at any time. While your toddler is learning to walk or when your child is playing basketball with their friends, a dental emergency can cause a momentary panic. Here are 4 dental emergencies that you may encounter and how you can help your child. 1.      Cracked/chipped tooth can become a situation that is bad for your child very quickly. It is important if your child has a cracked or chipped tooth to get it taken care of right away in order to prevent the tooth from incurring more damage. 2.      Knocked out tooth can be placed in milk to save it, then get your child into a dentist right away. 3.      Toothache, can be caused by multiple problems. You can start by having your child rinse their mouth in order to see if there are any visible problems. Once they have done that if you are not able to see anything, scheduling a visit to the pediatric dentist can help...

Help Wean Your Baby From a Pacifier

A pacifier can be a great way for your baby to sooth himself during times of stress. While it may be harmless when they are younger, as their baby teeth begin to come in and they begin to talk, a pacifier can negatively impact them. Here are some ways to help wean your baby from using a pacifier. You may not want to end this process abruptly. It can take time for people to adjust and it depends on the age of your child when you decide to wean them from the pacifier. If your child is older, you may want to discuss this change with them and remind them that in a few days, they will no longer have this as an option. If they are younger and not quite at the point of understanding, attempt to use other items to sooth your baby. When your baby is crying for a pacifier instead of giving them one, attempt to nurse or sooth using music and rocking. This can help pair the need for soothing with other activities, and if you are nursing, or you give a bottle it can help prov...

When Should I Wean My Child From Sucking On a Pacifier

Pacifiers are a common tool that are used to help your baby and toddler get to sleep and sooth themselves when they are upset. Pacifiers can also help your baby to transition during new activities or help reduce stress. There are a variety of pacifiers to choose from, and your baby may even have a preference, but when it comes time to wean them from the pacifier, this can become a battle of a lifetime.   So when should you wean your child off of a pacifier? If your child is stepping into toddlerhood and is beginning to struggle with speech and language it is important to begin the process of weaning your child from the pacifier. In order for your child to be able to say certain sounds, it is important they are able to place their tongue up against their teeth in certain positions. Sucking on a pacifier can move teeth from the normal position and push them out further. Once your child’s first tooth has erupted, you may want to begin the process of moving them from...

Why You Should Love Your Child’s Pediatric Dentist

A dentist can seem like just another place you take your child, but the relationship that you and your child has with their pediatric dentist can save them from a lifetime of problems with their smile and their teeth. Children who do not regularly brush, floss or visit the dentist tend to have more decay and problems that require major dental work. If you trust the pediatric dentist, your children will trust the dentist too. Pediatric dentists can help to reinforce some of the behaviors that parents fight with their children to adhere to. When your child visits the dentist and they see firsthand the impact that not brushing or flossing has on their smile and they hear it from someone other than you, it can help build positive habits for a lifetime. Let your child’s dentist back up and support your positive dental message today. The pediatric dentist is specially trained to help provide dental help to your child. Their schooling requires them to atten...

3 Reasons Why Toothpaste Is Important

You may think that toothpaste is unnecessary and that if your children uses the appropriate toothbrush it alone can do the job, but toothpaste has a valuable purpose for children and can mean the difference between cleaning their teeth and leaving food or biofilm to attach the enamel. Here are 3 reasons why toothpaste is recommended by pediatric dentist Dr. CameronFuller . 1.      Toothpaste is gritty and provides the toothbrush something to rub against the enamel to remove any biofilm from the teeth. Egyptians and other individuals from centuries ago used a variety of substances to rub against the teeth in order to loosen any food particles that were stuck to the surface of the teeth. 2.      Toothpaste for your children contains fluoride that can help strengthen the enamel and keep your child’s teeth strong. Fluoride helps to bond with tooth enamel and can help increase the strength to fight against decay, cra...

4 Misconceptions You May Have About Your Child’s Teeth

With so much information available it is easy to have misinformation that can cause a problem for your child’s smile. “Here are 4 misconceptions about your child’s teeth and what you should know that can save their smile for a lifetime,” says Dr. Cameron Fuller. 1.      My child is afraid of the dentist and therefore, doesn’t need to visit. In order to help your child not be afraid of the dentist visiting prior to an appointment where more serious dental procedures need to occur can help to dispel the fear and allow the visit to the dentist to be fun. 2.      My child doesn’t need to visit the dentist until their permanent teeth are in. Baby teeth are the holders for their adult teeth, in order to make sure there are not serious problems or decay, it is recommended you schedule a dental appointment after their first tooth has erupted. 3.      My child doesn’t need to floss because there a...

The Story Of The Tooth Fairy

Stories about Santa Claus and other fairy tale characters are well documented, but did you know that the story of the tooth fairy is one that was not well documented until 1927, and to this day, many parents still do not know the origins of the tooth fairy.   While there is documentation of baby teeth being thrown into the sun, thrown over the roof, or thrown into a source of water, there was never really a solid foundation of story and myth that was created for the tooth fairy. While some believed that baby teeth were given to rats and mice in order for the child’s adult teeth to grown in twice as strong, research conducted shows that this continues to be the most widely held belief. Children in other countries and around the world can be seen leaving their baby teeth on a table in the hope that a mouse will come and take their tooth and leave them a present behind.   Research demonstrates in some stories a cross between two different traditions,...

Leave The Soda Behind

It is no surprise to parents that soda has one of the worst reputations today. Wellness centers, commercials and other informational websites warn against the dangers of soda. But it’s not just bad for your child’s body, it can damage their teeth as well. Dr. Fuller recommends, “This summer, while they are at the pool, have your children reach for water instead of the soda.” In just one 12 oz. can of soda, there are 39 grams of sugar. This sugar once consumed, then binds to your children’s teeth and sits. The sugar combines with the bacteria in their mouth and creates acid which then can cause tooth decay and cavities. Our teeth are designed to last a lifetime, but it requires work and healthy decisions. Instead of having soda drinks around, or having soda as an option, have a water that is infused with fruits and vegetables to naturally flavor the water on those hot summer days. This way, they are getting the health benefit of enough water combined...