5 Items That Can Cause Bad Breath In Teenagers
When your children hit the teenage years, it can be
difficult to investigate and find out where the most recent smell is coming
from, but if you notice their breath smells worse then normal it may be a
problem going on in their mouth that requires further investigation. Here are
five of the most common problems that occur to cause bad breath in teenagers.
It could be the food they are consuming. Onions,
garlic or coffee are some of the foods that cause the worst problems. Simply
avoiding these foods or chewing on a piece of sugarless gum after consuming
these foods may help. If not it may be necessary to brush your teeth
immediately after eating these foods.
Dry mouth. "Teenagers need to drink plenty of
water to avoid their mouth feeling dry," says Dr. Fuller. Dry mouth is a breeding ground for
bacteria that can lead to problems with bad breath. Saliva is necessary in
order to moisten their mouth and keep bacteria under control.
Infections such as pneumonia and repeated sinus
infections can cause halitosis. If there is excessive nasal drainage that does
not clear up, it could be a sign of further problems.
Lack of brushing and flossing regularly can
cause decay and food left on the teeth that is a breeding ground for bacteria.
Some medications your teenager may be taking on
a regular basis can cause bad breath.
Dr. Cameron Fuller recommends teenagers visit the dentist regularly
in order to make sure their teeth are healthy and they do not have decay,
periodontal disease or cavities.
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