How To Help Your Child With Exceptional Needs Floss
It is never an easy chore to floss
a child’s teeth, especially one who is not used to the process from a young
age. It can be even more difficult when your child has special needs. While
this is no easy chore, it is certainly a critical one. Dr. Fuller recommends a
few tips and tricks to help provide support to your child to learn healthy
flossing habits and to attempt to make the process easier.
Start early. As soon as your baby
has their first tooth erupt, begin to floss. This will help them get used to
flossing from a very young age. This sets the stage that this is an important
habit for your child to develop and will provide consistency.
Utilize a reward for your child
flossing their teeth without having a difficult time. When they initiate
flossing, read them an extra story that night. Or take them for a walk the next
day. The reward does not have to be expensive and it does not have to require a
lot of time. Providing a small reward will continue to show your child how
important this is.
Have your child floss at the same
time every day. This helps it become more routine. The more routine it is the
more it will be expected and the more they can anticipate what is coming. While
events happen and things come up, it is important to remember that children,
with or without special needs, require consistency.
is important for your child’s dental health. Make it a priority today. For more
information contact Dr. Fuller & his team today.
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