Does My Teen Need to Brush & Floss When They Have Braces or Orthodontic Appliances?

The importance of brushing and flossing does not decrease when your teen has orthodontic work, it actually becomes even more important. "Depending on the type of orthodontics will make a difference on where food and bacteria can grow and hide," says Pediatric dentist Dr. Fuller. Teens who have a removable appliances are not in as high of a risk situation for missing key spots when brushing and flossing, but teens who wear braces are in danger of causing more permanent damage to their teeth if they are not brushing and flossing appropriately.

They may need to see their dentist more frequently – generally it is recommended they are seen every couple of months in order to ensure they are not having any problems with their teeth. When teenagers fail to brush or floss the bacteria can grow and attack the enamel of the teeth. And stains can become permanent on the teeth if your teen fails to brush properly.  Brushing and flossing will also help prevent gingivitis, gum recession and other negative effects from not properly taking care of their teeth.

If they have braces they will want to brush five or six times a day, after each snack and meal, and floss once a day. Ask Dr. Cameron Fuller and his team if your teen is struggling to brush and floss correctly with their appliance.


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