What Is A Pulpotomy & Why Is My Pediatric Dentist Recommending It

A pulpotomy is a procedure that may be recommended by your child’s pediatric dentist if tooth decay has spread, if your child has a cracked or chipped tooth and the root is showing, or if they are having sensitivity to extreme temperatures. This procedure should be completed in order to eliminate the pain your child may be feeling.

During a pulpotomy Dr. Cameron Fuller will first explain the procedure to you and why he is recommending this course of treatment. Once it has been decided to go forward, it is a relatively easy procedure depending on how many teeth are impacted and the degree of decay.

Dr. Fuller, your Redlands pediatric dentist, will carefully remove the pulp from the tooth after all of the decay has been removed. Next, he will sterilize the tooth and then place putty that hardens in the area to seal it.  If the tooth is a molar, a crown may be placed on the tooth in order to protect it.

This procedure should usually solve the problem and allow your child to eat and be out of pain relatively quickly. Unfortunately, pulpotomies cannot save an abscessed tooth, which is why it is critical to seek treatment early if your child has a cavity. The anatomy of baby teeth allow for bacteria and decay to spread relatively quickly. So don’t delay treatment. Your child should see the dentist before their 1st birthday, and then periodically thereafter. If it’s past time your child was seen, don’t delay calling for an appointment today.



  1. I think that it is very important to take your kids to the dentist. That way, you can be sure that they have clean and healthy teeth. I try to take my kids to the dentist every six months. http://www.walkindentalclinic.ca/en/

  2. My nephew just had a pulptomy done. I had no idea that it meant that he was suffering from tooth decay. His mother is going to have to make sure that he takes better care of his teeth. I'm sure his dentist will be able to give him tips on how to keep his teeth clean. http://www.drheimann.com/

  3. Blog Is really very nice and informative from health prospective, It’s very necessary to take care of your children’s teeth like parents caring for there children.

    Periodontics in Halifax


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