Post Maxillary Frenum Surgery

If for any reason your child was given an atheistic they should avoid running around for a short time after the surgery. They may have a little bleeding and will need to keep the area clean. Your child may be given some gauze to stop the bleeding, but  they may not need to use it.
            If your child had a frenectomy on the upper lip then they should try and avoid eating hard foods.  Encourage them to keep food away from the area as much as possible. "If they have surgery on the lower frenum underneath the tongue, the next day have them practice sticking out their tongue and moving the tongue around," suggests Dr. Cameron Fuller.
            Your child should not rinse with anything the day after the surgery and should avoid drinking with a straw.  However, they can gently brush their teeth.
            Some bruising is normal and so you may notice the area has black and blue spots. No need to panic this should heal quickly.  Your son/daughter may also have some swelling around the area. You can just have them use an ice pack on the area for swelling. “If they need a mild pain reliever you should just adhere to normal guidelines,” says  pediatric dentist Dr. Fuller.  However, if they have persistent pain for a few days don’t hesitate to call the office. 


  1. It is a good thing that there pediatric dentists to help deal with stuff like this. I know that Maxillary Frenum surgery is something that pediatric dentists do all the time. That way children can have normal growing teeth and healthy gums as well.
    Jak Manson |

  2. Hello Jak,

    I agree that it is a simple surgery that creates normal growing teeth and healthy gums. It is critical for some children. Thank you for stopping by. Continue to check back for updated information on this topic.


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