My child needs a spacer, now what?
A spacer is made of a special metal material that can be placed in the mouth in order to hold the space until the permanent teeth erupt. There are three different types of spacers. The best one to use will depend on the location of the missing tooth. Dr. Fuller suggests that you should always attempt to save the tooth if at all possible. Unfortunately there some situations where this is not possible and a spacer maybe necessary to keep the space open. Baby teeth are important because they keep the place where the permanent teeth should be. If there is no tooth in that place, then other teeth may move and other dental work may need to be completed later on to fix this. As mentioned there are three types of spacers that may be used, the fixed spacer, the unilateral, crown and loop or distal shoe, bilateral and lingual arch and removable spacer. These are all usually metal, however, if the teeth are in a po...