8 Tips and Tricks To Helping Your Children Have A Great Dental Visit

Visiting the dentist can be a very scary time for your child, especially if they have to go because they have a lot of pain or cavities. Having them visit regularly can cut down on the amount of time they have to spend in the chair and the amount of discomfort they may feel from procedures. Dr. Fuller and his team suggest these 8 tips to help your children enjoy their dental visit.

1.     Have them brush and floss regularly.
2.     Call and schedule a pop in visit for them to meet the dentist and the staff.
3.     Avoid having them consume high sugar foods and drinks.
4.     Begin washing milk from their gums when they are just a few days old. Then transition to brushing and flossing when appropriate.
5.     Read stories about the dental visit, to allow them to know what to expect. Prior to the visit.
6.     If they have a cavity do not wait to have it taken care of.
7.     Utilize x-rays at the dental office to see problems that are brewing between the teeth. This can help prevent major dental problems that cause your children a lot of pain.
8.     Take them to a pediatric dentist who understands and has spent extra time in school to learn about how to provide dentistry to children.

For more information on your child’s first dental visit, contact Dr. Fuller and his team.


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